Alive Engineering Education: Transforming and Innovating Engineering Education
Since education is the activity of spreading knowledge with the teaching principles, Engineering
Education includes all forms of related education focused on resolving a condition through the
application of techniques and technologies. It is about solving problems!
Engineers and their professors can use several knowledge-teaching tools: mathematical methods
and structured knowledge – the hard ones –, process-facilitating strategies and contextual
knowledge – the soft ones. Above all, the inseparability of knowledge and its practical application
is in fact a unique characteristic of Engineering Education itself.
This publication collects alive experiments and experiences from several professors, students and
professionals that dedicated their precious time in thinking the Engineering Educations practices
and tools. Therefore, here it can be found the emerged truth from the passion for knowledge-
spreading of Engineering principles.
Preface by Leonardo Guerra de Rezende Guedes
Book Organizers
Getúlio Antero de Deus Júnior
Leonardo Guerra de Rezende Guedes
Marcelo Stehling de Castro
Marcos Lemos Afonso
Ricardo Henrique Fonseca Alves
Rodrigo Pinto Lemos
ISBN: 978-85-495-0151-6
Online Resource
Table of Contents
Cataloging in Publication data (CIP)
Chapter 1: Building the Da Vinci's Self Supporting Bridge
Chapter 2: An Extension Project Experience for Engineering Students
Chapter 4: Integrating Activity: A Strategy for Development in Humanity Competences
Chapter 7: Interaction Between Extension and Education: The Game of Integration in The IFMT
Chapter 14: Finite Element Method Use as Educational Appliance of Learning in Electrical Engineering
Chapter 15: Improvement of The Digital Systems Laboratory for Computer Engineering
Chapter 17: Ontology to Mining Judicial Sentence's Big Data
Chapter 18: An Approach for Mapping and Simulation of Didactic Games in the Internet
Chapter 20: Discipline of Logistics: Approaches to Teaching, Learning and Results Evaluation
Chapter 21: Design Thinking Course
Chapter 22: Institutional Evaluation Perceptions of UFG Engineering Students
Chapter 24: Development of A Modular PLC Using A Low Cost Microcontroller Architecture
Chapter 27: Jigsaw Learning: An Active Learning Strategy for Large Groups
Chapter 28: Canvas for Educational Project
Chapter 29: Electric Floor: A CDIO Project for First Year Students
Chapter 30: Wave Power Plant Prototype: A CDIO Project for First Year Students
Chapter 31: Charging Device for Electric Vehicles: A CDIO Project for First Year Students
Chapter 32: 3D Virtual Laboratory for Learning Environments: A New Learning Object
Chapter 33: How An Educational Program Can Improve Learning for AnEngineering Student
Chapter 34: Retrofitting of A Robot Arm Controller
Chapter 38: Cooperative Learning Cell for Android Application Development
Chapter 39: Electromyographic Data Acquisition
Chapter 40: Educational Robotics As A Tool to Encourage Learning
Chapter 46: Regression Analysis Applied to Soil Mechanics
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